This body of work tries to play with the fluid relationship of our body with the built environment. The strategy I have chosen is to claim spaces in the built environment that seem to exist as non-places as they usually stay undisturbed or underutilized. Here I employ temporary constructions possessing international forms (i.e. the curvature of a curb rounding a corner) adaptable to local conditions. The hidden motif behind the work is the issue of displacement and creation of strategies to transform space into place. In placing my body in a piece of foam with my 3D scanned body carved into it using a mechanical process, CNC, and, then, placing both into a curvature that almost perfectly fits the 5 by 6 feet dimension of the foam, I am looking into infusing my body intothe urban landscape where a constantly displaced human being actually belongs.
Logan, OH/ Columbus, OH/ Cincinnati, OH/ Athens, OH/ Cleveland, OH/
Rochester, NY/ Buffalo, NY/ Hartford, CT/ Charleston, WV/